Confessions from the Desk

For some girls it's shoes - for me it is journals and sketchbooks.  I just can't get enough of them.  Especially if they are Moleskines!  I enjoy buying them so much they tend to pile up, their pages blank and waiting.  So I am always excited when I think up a new use for a journal (plus it gives me another reason to buy more - it's a vicious circle, I know, I know). 

Today I was sitting at my desk working on my new novel.  One of the problems of writing a novel I discovered the last time around was there is so much to remember: the names of all the characters, their ages, what season it is, what year, character's professions, the names of streets characters live on, the places they go, research notes and sources - the list goes on and on.  As I was jotting down yet another post it note to myself I happened to glance up and see a small blank journal languishing on my bookshelf.  Aha!  So this time around I am going to write all the stuff I need to remember in a small black sketchbook.  I am still working out how to organize the material but I think page one will be devoted to title ideas.  Because I don't anyone will be interested in reading a book called, "novel #2".

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