Very, Very Short Story

I thought my haiku story idea (a story told in three sentences) was short, but I just read about a journal in the UK that is seeking stories only one or two sentences long. Just one or two sentences?! For a whole story?! Wow. That's taking concise to a whole new level. They're looking for stories so if you want to give it a try click here.


Anonymous said...

I love the challenge of VERY short stories. A friend of mine long ago tipped me off to a web mag called Route 66, which only published 66-word stories. (It's here: And you've heard of Hemingway's alleged six-word story, yes? Still one of my favorites, and I love even more that it has led to the recent phenomenon of the six-word memoir. So much story, so little space.... :)

firstlinefiction said...

True. It is amazing what stories can be told in just a few words. I love the challenge of it!