New Year's Eve Exercise

I'm not much of a fan of resolutions so this year I've come up with something slightly different to mark the transition to a New Year without all the pressure and almost certain failure (if you are me, at least) of a list of resolutions. Feel free to join me in this. Maybe we can start a new tradition!

Get two pieces of paper. On the first sheet write down one or more habits or behaviours or thought patterns you would like to let go of. On the second sheet of paper write down one or more habits, behaviours or qualities about yourself that you want to carry with you into the New Year.

Get two glass jars. Put the list of things you want to carry with you into the New Year in one of the glass jars and place it outside your door before midnight.

Light a candle just before midnight. Take the list of things you want to let go of and touch it to the candle until it catches fire, then drop it in the other empty jar and let it burn. (You can also tear it into tiny pieces, if you don't want to start a fire.)

A few minutes after midnight go outside and bring your list of things you want to carry into the New Year back into your home. Welcome these qualities at the same time you welcome in the new year.

Happy New Year's everyone. May 2011 be filled with magic for you!

Week #113

Carl was alone in the backyard, smoking his last cigarette of the day and idly looking at the moon, when something crashed to the ground with a heavy thud near his new hammock.

a river of stones: Welcome to a river of stones!

(I just discovered this project and think it is a fabulous idea! I know I am suppose to be taking a wee holiday but I had to post this so as many people as possible could find out about it. ~ Lori)

a river of stones: Welcome to a river of stones!: "Would you like to start the new year as you mean to go on? You might have heard of NaNoWriMo, where participants are encouraged to write a..."

Happy Holidays

I'll be back with a brand new first line next Wednesday but things will probably be quiet around here until after New Year's. I'm going to give myself a few days off to relax and try to catch up on some reading.

For next year I've got some new features planned for the blog - there are some author interviews in the works that I am very excited about!

Happy Holidays everyone and thanks for reading!

Week #112

The last thing Charles remembered was the taste of strawberries on his lips.

By Moi

Did I tell you awhile back that the literary journal the New Plains Review was publishing my short story, "Confessions of Ignorance about Astronomy"? Well, my story appears in their current issue, Fall '10. If you can get your hands on a copy, have a look. It's a great magazine, jammed-packed with great writing.

But if you can't find a copy, no worries: you can read my story online. Click here.

Random Exercise #41

It's a busy time of year so I decided to come up with a short exercise designed to flex your creativity, but still fit into those precious few minutes between dashing from the mall to dashing to a party.

Obviously there are no correct answers to the following questions. They are intended to surprise your brain into thinking in a new way.

- What does your favourite song look like?

- If you could touch darkness what would it feel like?

- Take a look at the clock. What does this hour of the day taste like?

- What does your favourite fruit sound like?

- What does your current mood smell like?


No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed. No steam or gas drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.

~ Harry Emerson Fosdick

Confessions from the Desk

For the last two days I have been trying to write a post about how busy I am and how hard it is to find time to write during the holiday season - but I haven't had the time to finish it. Oh, the irony the irony.

I'm sure I am not alone on this one, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to stretch the day, or how to go without sleep, or how to build your own time-making machine, please share with the rest of us.