Random Exercise

Use these three words in a short story:
chocolate, camel, vibrate


Anonymous said...


This story must be about the chocolate-loving camel whose chocolate kept melting in the sand and was mad (vibrating nostrils). He eventually joined a circus, that toured in northern Europe so he could eat Bavarian chocolates.

How do you pick these words? Are they random or do you pick these off a word list? Just curious.


firstlinefiction said...

Ha! That's a very interesting camel! I pick the words randomly from my own weird little brain. The only rule I have is the words can't obviously go together. For instance I would never pick: blue, sand, ocean. I choose words that will (hopefully) be fun to play around with and spark your creativity - which these ones seemed to have done for you!



Anonymous said...


I was only joking. I couldn't write a story like that, even while drinking beer. I did find a travel blog with some neat pictures on it though -

I thought it was funny.

I was just curious how you picked your words.
